Thug Michael Brown was shot in the front, and not in the back as the lying...
The money quotes via The New York Times, which come via Darlene over at Protein Wisdom: Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the...
View ArticleSpecial Comment: “You are too much of a p*ssy to shoot me.”
Those are the last recorded words of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black man, who decided that it would be cute to try to football tackle a Ferguson, Missouri police officer named Darren Wilson, who...
View ArticleQuote of the Day
Michael Brown’s death, whatever the grand jury decided, is an irreversible tragedy, horrible for his mother and father. But what happened last week was not a tragedy but a national disgrace, a...
View ArticleThe video was a hoax
There was a video I posted here. I was under the assumption that the video that was posted on facebook was legit. I was wrong. It was a Hoax. See here. I regret that it got past me. My apologies …...
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